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SPK Engineering's past projects

CR 16 Crooked Creek Bridge

Michael Kilgore

Cost: $2.7 million
Client: WVDOH
Contact: Patrick Brennan, P.E. (304-414-6418)
Client: WVDOH

CR 16 Crooked Creek Bridge
- Mason County, WV - The bridge replacement was built to match the horizontal curvature of the new roadway alignment. The bridge utilized a galvanized curved steel plate girder superstructure and is supported by semi-integral abutments that are not skewed (radial). The new bridge cross-section provided two (2) 11’-0” travel lanes and two (2) 4'-0" shoulders, along with 32” tall Type F barriers. The bridge width is 30'-0" curb-to-curb and the overall out-to-out is 32'-6". New roadway was constructed on both sides of the proposed structure to allow for a proper tie-in to the existing roadway. Approximately 350’ of roadway was constructed to the west of the structure to tie-in at Station 28+50.00 and approximately 300’ of roadway was constructed to the east of the structure to tie-in at Station 35+75.00.

John Frank III

Michael Kilgore

SPK is pleased to announce that John Frank III has joined SPK January 8, 2024! John comes to us with 20+ years of construction engineering and management experience and will be working with our bridge staff.